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Friday, May 17, 2024

Democracy vs. Dictatorship: A Comparative Analysis

Democracy vs Dictatorship. Anthony Davis EXPLAINS. Wednesday November 13, 2023.
Democracy is a term coined for the government of the people, by the people and for the people. In contrast, dictatorship is a rigid form of government in which people are not given the liberties they could otherwise get in the democratic form of government. The dictator takes power either by means of a military coup d’état or any other situation which is totally unfavorable for the citizens. It is an authoritarian form of government in which the word of the dictator is law. He imposes sanctions upon the citizens if they dare to disobey him. This is what Donald Trump has planned for the USA in 2024.

Our choice is Democracy or DICtatorship. At least with a Democracy you'll be able to vote again in 4 years. With a DICtatorship you'll never get to vote again

The AUTHORITARIAN NIGHTMARE that is Project 2025
A deeper dive at the authoritarian nightmare that is Project 2025

Click here to read DICtatorship vs democracy

How to Lose a Country: The 7 Steps from Democracy to Dictatorship

Click here to order your How to Lose a Country: The 7 Steps from Democracy to Dictatorship

An urgent call to action from one of Europe’s most well-regarded political thinkers. How to Lose a Country: The Seven Warning Signs of Rising Populism is a field guide to spotting the insidious patterns and mechanisms of the populist wave sweeping the globe – before it’s too late.

‘It couldn’t happen here’

Ece Temelkuran heard reasonable people in Britain say it the night of the Brexit vote.

She heard reasonable people in America say it the night Trump’s election was soundtracked by chants of ‘Build that wall.’

She heard reasonable people in Turkey say it as Erdoğan rigged elections, rebuilt the economy around cronyism, and labelled his opposition as terrorists.

How to Lose a Country is an impassioned plea, a warning to the world that populism and nationalism don’t march fully-formed into government; they creep. Award winning author and journalist Ece Temelkuran, identifies the early-warning signs of this phenomenon, sprouting up across the world from Eastern Europe to South America, in order to define a global pattern, and arm the reader with the tools to root it out.

Proposing alternative, global answers to the pressing – and too often paralysing – poltical questions of our time, Temelkuran explores the insidious idea of ‘real people’, the infantilisation of language and debate, the way laughter can prove a false friend, and the dangers of underestimating one’s opponent. She weaves memoir, history and clear-sighted argument into an urgent and eloquent defence of democracy.

No longer can the reasonable comfort themselves with ‘it couldn’t happen here.’ It is happening. And soon it may be too late.

Our choice is Democracy or DICtatorship. At least with a Democracy you'll be able to vote again in 4 years. With a DICtatorship you'll never get to vote again. Sidenote: Timothy Mellon donated $16.5 million to Trump and $20 million to Kennedy. We're voting blue

In the realm of political systems, democracy and dictatorship represent two fundamentally different approaches to governance. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, shaping the lives of citizens and the trajectory of nations in distinct ways.

Democracy: Governance by the People


1. Participation and Representation: Democracy empowers citizens to participate in the decision-making process. Through voting, individuals have a say in who governs them, ensuring that the government reflects the will of the majority. This inclusivity fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility among citizens.

2. Protection of Rights: Democratic systems are typically built on the foundation of protecting individual freedoms and human rights. Constitutions and legal frameworks in democracies often safeguard freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, promoting a culture of respect for personal liberties.

3. Accountability and Transparency: Elected officials in a democracy are accountable to the electorate. Regular elections and the possibility of political turnover compel leaders to act in the best interests of their constituents. Additionally, a free press and active civil society play crucial roles in monitoring government actions and exposing corruption.

4. Innovation and Adaptability: Democracies are often more open to new ideas and innovations. The diversity of opinions and the competition among political parties encourage the development of creative solutions to societal issues. This adaptability can lead to more effective and dynamic governance.


1. Inefficiency and Slow Decision-Making: The process of reaching consensus in a democracy can be slow and cumbersome. Multiple stakeholders and interest groups need to be considered, often leading to prolonged debates and delays in policy implementation.

2. Populism and Short-Termism: Democratic leaders might prioritize popular, short-term policies over necessary long-term reforms to secure electoral victories. This can result in policies that pander to the electorate rather than address fundamental issues.

3. Potential for Divisiveness: Democracies can sometimes exacerbate social divisions. Political competition and the emphasis on majority rule can marginalize minority groups, leading to social tensions and conflict.

Dictatorship: Centralized Power and Control


1. Efficiency and Decisiveness: Dictatorships can make decisions quickly and implement policies without the need for lengthy consultations or legislative approval. This efficiency can be beneficial in times of crisis or when rapid action is required.

2. Stability and Continuity: With power concentrated in the hands of a single ruler or a small group, dictatorships often provide political stability and continuity. The absence of electoral cycles reduces the likelihood of abrupt policy changes, fostering a predictable environment for long-term planning.

3. Economic Growth Potential: Some argue that dictatorships can pursue economic development more effectively by implementing large-scale projects and reforms without opposition. Historical examples include rapid industrialization in certain authoritarian regimes.


1. Suppression of Freedoms: Dictatorships often curtail basic freedoms, including freedom of speech, press, and assembly. Political dissent is typically not tolerated, leading to a climate of fear and repression.

2. Lack of Accountability: Without democratic checks and balances, dictators can rule unchallenged, leading to corruption and abuse of power. The absence of accountability mechanisms means that citizens have little recourse against governmental misconduct.

3. Potential for Unrest: The suppression of dissent and the concentration of power can breed resentment among the populace. When discontent reaches a tipping point, it can result in social unrest, protests, and even violent uprisings.

4. Stagnation and Resistance to Change: Dictatorships can become resistant to change, as leaders cling to power and resist reforms that might threaten their authority. This stagnation can impede social, political, and economic progress.

Both democracy and dictatorship offer distinct paths to governance, each with its unique set of strengths and weaknesses. Democracies prioritize participation, rights, and accountability, often at the expense of efficiency and stability. Dictatorships, on the other hand, can provide swift decision-making and stability but often at the cost of personal freedoms and governmental transparency. Ultimately, the choice between these systems reflects broader values and priorities concerning power, governance, and the role of citizens in shaping their own destinies.

It Can't Happen Here
We've seen what can happen before. Donald Trump is telling us what he will do to America, when will you believe him?

The Lincoln Project is a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy. Our fight against Trumpism is only beginning. We must combat these forces everywhere and at all times — our democracy depends on it.

IF you REALLY think it can't happen here, you're BLIND!

Matthew 7:15
True and False Prophets
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."

Trump products on CafePress
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Trump products on Zazzle
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The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal
Click here to order your The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal

Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man
Click here for order your Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir
Click here to order your Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir

The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary
Click here to order your The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary

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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Lauren shouts she's out to help people get their freedoms

January 3, 2021 - May 16, 2024 Lauren has been in office for 1,229 days  NOT A SINGLE ONE OF HER BILLS HAVE BECOME LAW
Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert takes credit for bill she voted against, again
Boebert is one of 40 Republicans who obtained earmarks in the federal spending bill, designating money for local projects, then voted against the it.

January 3, 2021 - May 16, 2024
Lauren has been in office for 1,229 days

Click here to read Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz become latest MAGA faithfuls to show up for Trump

Click here to read Gaetz and Boebert appear at Trump Trial as Cohen testifies

Click here to read Lauren Boebert was cut off from drinking more alcohol at a GOP gala says report, as controversies stack up ahead of new election bid

Click here to read Lauren Boebert touts accomplishments in a bill she voted against

Lauren Boebert, a Republican congresswoman from Colorado, has voted against several bills during her time in office. Some of the notable bills she has opposed include:

1. **American Rescue Plan Act**: Boebert voted against this $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package, which included measures such as direct stimulus payments to individuals, expanded unemployment benefits, funding for vaccine distribution, and aid to state and local governments.

2. **Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act**: Boebert opposed this bipartisan infrastructure bill aimed at investing in the nation's roads, bridges, public transit, broadband, and other physical infrastructure. The bill was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden.

3. **National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)**: Boebert voted against the annual NDAA, which sets funding levels and policies for the U.S. Department of Defense. The NDAA typically includes provisions related to military spending, personnel, and national security policies.

4. **For the People Act**: Boebert opposed this sweeping voting rights and electoral reform bill, which aimed to expand voting access, reduce the influence of money in politics, and strengthen ethics rules for public officials. The bill passed in the House but was blocked by Senate Republicans.

5. **Equality Act**: Boebert voted against the Equality Act, which would prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, and other areas. The bill passed in the House but has not been taken up by the Senate.

Matthew 7:15
True and False Prophets
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."

Trump products on CafePress
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Trump products on Zazzle
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The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal
Click here to order your The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal

Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man
Click here for order your Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir
Click here to order your Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir

The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary
Click here to order your The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary

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Understanding Transactional Relationships in Narcissism: Unveiling the Mask of Superficiality

'She doesn’t need Donald!': Mary Trump on Ivanka ducking father’s porn star payoff trial
Donald Trump’s niece, Mary Trump talks about why Ivanka Trump married to Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. have not been in the courtroom supporting their father. Mary says the reasons are different and talks about why it doesn’t actually matter to Trump because he’s “much more concerned” with the crowds and the political figures taking time to show up at court. Eric Trump is the only family member that has shown up. Tiffany Trump hasn't shown up either.

Understanding Transactional Relationships in Narcissism: Unveiling the Mask of Superficiality

Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

Click here to order Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

Click here to read about Donald Trump's family

Click here to read Trump forces his children on royal family even though they weren't invited. Trump let his kids crash the party, creating an awkward situation for the British royals.

In the intricate web of human interactions, relationships are often categorized into various types, each characterized by its unique dynamics and underlying motives. One such type that has garnered significant attention, especially in the realm of psychology, is the transactional relationship, particularly concerning narcissism. Understanding the meaning of a transactional relationship in the context of narcissism unveils the intricate interplay of power, manipulation, and superficiality that often defines these connections.

At its core, a transactional relationship in the context of narcissism can be understood as a dynamic where interactions are primarily driven by self-serving motives, devoid of genuine emotional connection or empathy. Narcissists are individuals who exhibit an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. In the context of relationships, narcissists often view others as tools to fulfill their own needs, rather than as individuals with their own desires and emotions.

In a transactional relationship with a narcissist, every interaction becomes a transaction, a give-and-take where the narcissist seeks to extract maximum benefit while investing minimal emotional energy. These transactions are often characterized by manipulation, exploitation, and a lack of authenticity. The narcissist may shower their partner with affection and compliments, but only as a means to gain admiration and control, rather than out of genuine love or care.

Furthermore, the transactional nature of these relationships means that the narcissist's affection and attention are conditional upon the other party meeting their needs and expectations. If the partner fails to live up to these expectations or challenges the narcissist's authority, they may face manipulation, gaslighting, or even abandonment as punishment. This creates a power dynamic where the narcissist holds all the cards, leaving the other party feeling insecure, powerless, and emotionally drained.

Additionally, transactional relationships with narcissists often lack depth and intimacy. Genuine emotional connection and vulnerability are seen as signs of weakness, and the narcissist may avoid or dismiss such expressions in favor of maintaining their facade of invulnerability. As a result, conversations tend to be superficial, revolving around the narcissist's interests, accomplishments, and desires, while the partner's needs and feelings are sidelined or ignored.

Moreover, transactional relationships with narcissists are inherently unstable and prone to sudden shifts in dynamics. The narcissist's insatiable need for validation and admiration means that they may seek out new sources of supply, discarding their current partner once they no longer serve their purpose. This cycle of idealization, devaluation, and discard can leave the partner feeling confused, hurt, and emotionally scarred.

In conclusion, the meaning of a transactional relationship in the context of narcissism is one characterized by manipulation, exploitation, and superficiality. It is a dynamic where interactions are driven by the narcissist's self-serving motives, devoid of genuine emotional connection or empathy. Understanding the complexities of these relationships is crucial for those who find themselves entangled with narcissists, as it enables them to recognize the signs of manipulation and take steps to protect their emotional well-being.

Matthew 7:15
True and False Prophets
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."

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Trump products on Zazzle
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The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal
Click here to order your The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal

Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man
Click here for order your Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir
Click here to order your Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir

The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary
Click here to order your The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary

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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Art of Preparation: Navigating Political Conflict with Foresight

Trump reacts to Putin’s praise: ‘I like that he said that’
In an interview with Meet the Press, former President Trump tells Kristen Welker that he “got along with” Russian President Putin and that he could end the war in Ukraine without conceding land to Russia.

Trump: Putin Is Smart, Our Leaders Are Dumb

The Art of Preparation: Navigating Political Conflict with Foresight

Click here to read, "Who are you voting for."

Click here to read, "How does Donald Trump compare to other cult leaders

From Putin to protesters, photographer Platon breaks down his most enduring pictures
Photographer Platon joins Morning Joe to discuss the release of his new book 'The Defenders: Heroes of the Fight for Global Human Rights'.

‘Donald, let’s just be human’: Photographer describes shoot with Trump
Platon, a British photographer known for photographing world leaders, describes his photo shoot with former President Donald Trump and what surprised him the most out of all his photoshoots

"I am the storm"
Donald Trump

Don't underestimate him


Lessons from My Father, Alexey Navalny | Dasha Navalnaya
Dasha Navalnaya is the daughter of Alexey Navalny, the politician and leader of the Russian opposition to Vladimir Putin. Sharing the story of her father's poisoning, persecution and current imprisonment, she details what it was like growing up under the watchful eye of government surveillance as her father led a decade-long investigation into the corruption of Putin's regime — and shows why paying attention to what happens in Russia matters to everyone, everywhere.

Click here to read about Dasha's father, Alex Navalny and Click here to read about her mother, Yulia Navalnaya

Click here to read, "Platon's best shot,'There were snipers everywhere. Putin saw my tears and said: I'll do it'

The celebrated portraitist Platon has spent much of his career photographing the famous and powerful, but he has also traveled the world documenting human rights activists and their quests for justice

Click here to order Platon: The Defenders: Heroes of the Global Fight for Human Rights

The celebrated portraitist Platon has spent much of his career photographing the famous and powerful, but he has also traveled the world documenting human rights activists and their quests for justice. The Defenders presents five photo essays spanning 15 years of work on these struggles in Burma, Egypt, Russia, the United States and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

In Burma, he took portraits of monks, sex workers, former child soldiers and the controversial political leader Aung San Suu Kyi. He was on the ground in Cairo for several weeks early in 2011, when Egyptians took to the streets and demanded the resignation of Hosni Mubarak. In Russia, he photographed and spoke with dissidents who have battled a slew of oppressive governments. Along the border between the US and Mexico, he documented victims of inhumane immigration policies. Finally, the chapter on the Congo documents the continuing trauma of sexual violence as a weapon of war.

The full-bleed images are accompanied by short texts that contextualize the complex issues in each place, and retell Platon’s own stories of shooting on location. The book also includes a poster.

I was suprised to learn that Putin speaks "Perfect English" in the interview with Platon

In the arena of politics, conflict is inevitable. Whether you're advocating for a cause, supporting a candidate, or participating in public discourse, encountering opposition is par for the course. In such contentious environments, the importance of preparation cannot be overstated. Like a skilled strategist laying out plans before a battle, preparing yourself when confronting political adversaries is essential for success. Here's why.

First and foremost, preparation empowers you with knowledge. Understanding your opponent's perspectives, arguments, and potential tactics allows you to anticipate their moves and formulate effective counter-strategies. By immersing yourself in the intricacies of their ideology and rhetoric, you gain insights that enable you to engage in meaningful dialogue or debate. Moreover, being well-informed enhances your credibility and persuasiveness, as you can articulate your stance with clarity and authority.

Furthermore, preparation cultivates resilience. Political battles can be emotionally taxing, especially when faced with hostility or disagreement. However, arming yourself with facts, evidence, and logical reasoning serves as a shield against personal attacks or intimidation. When you are confident in your knowledge and convictions, you're less likely to be swayed by rhetoric or discouraged by adversity. Instead, you can navigate turbulent waters with resilience and composure, staying focused on your objectives despite the challenges.

Moreover, preparation fosters empathy and understanding. It's easy to vilify political opponents, painting them as adversaries to be defeated rather than individuals with valid concerns and perspectives. However, by taking the time to research their backgrounds, motivations, and experiences, you gain a more nuanced understanding of their positions. This insight humanizes your adversaries, paving the way for constructive dialogue and potential areas of compromise. Even if you ultimately disagree, approaching conflict with empathy fosters mutual respect and opens avenues for productive engagement.

Additionally, preparation safeguards against misinformation and manipulation. In today's digital age, misinformation spreads rapidly, often clouding public discourse and sowing division. By fact-checking sources, verifying claims, and critically analyzing information, you can discern truth from falsehood and combat the spread of disinformation. Equipped with accurate knowledge, you can effectively challenge deceptive narratives and hold political adversaries accountable for their statements and actions.

Furthermore, preparation fosters strategic alliances and coalitions. In many political struggles, strength lies in numbers, and forming alliances with like-minded individuals or organizations amplifies your collective influence. By networking, building relationships, and identifying common goals, you can mobilize support and solidarity around your cause. Additionally, collaborating with diverse stakeholders enriches your perspective and enhances the effectiveness of your advocacy efforts.

Lastly, preparation cultivates long-term vision and adaptability. Political conflicts are rarely resolved overnight, and enduring change often requires sustained effort and strategic planning. By envisioning your goals and mapping out a roadmap for achieving them, you can navigate the complexities of political dynamics with foresight and determination. Moreover, remaining flexible and adaptable allows you to adjust your strategies in response to changing circumstances or unexpected developments, ensuring that you stay on course towards your objectives.

In conclusion, the importance of preparation in navigating political conflict cannot be overstated. By empowering yourself with knowledge, resilience, empathy, and strategic foresight, you can engage with adversaries effectively, combat misinformation, build alliances, and advance your objectives with confidence and integrity. In the arena of politics, preparation is not just a tactic – it's a prerequisite for meaningful engagement and lasting impact.

Matthew 7:15
True and False Prophets
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."

Trump products on CafePress
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Trump products on Zazzle
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The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal
Click here to order your The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal

Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man
Click here for order your Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir
Click here to order your Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir

The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary
Click here to order your The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary

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Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Downward Spiral: Why Being Sleazy is Never a Good Look

Mary Trump: Donald wears ‘a badge of honor’ for being ‘sleazy'
Mary Trump, niece to former President Donald Trump, joins Alex Witt for her take on all the details of the trial and how her uncle is doing in the courtroom.

Frederick Trump's middle name  may have been Christ, but he and his family aren't the least bit Christ-like

Click here to read about Frederick Trump's middle name may have been Christ, but he and his family aren't the least bit Christ-like

Gross Things Donald Trump Has Said About His Daughters

Donald Trump, Billy Bush caught on tape having crude conversation about women

Trump criticized for 'inappropriate' embrace of Ivanka at RNC - Daily Mail
Ivanka Trump is rich, famous, and growing more powerful as her dad's presidential campaign takes off — but is the blonde mogul so powerful that she actually commands her own wind? Twitter seems to think so. The 34-year-old introduced her dad, Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention on Thursday night. That's when social media users noticed that her hair seemed to be blowing around her face, despite the fact that she was inside. Several joked that she brought her own wind machine to amp up the glamour at the event, comparing her to Beyoncé and wondeirng whether she was filming a music video. Later, though, some people because horrified by the strange way her dad greeted her on stage, awkwardly patting her hip and seemingly causing her to recoil.

Robin Leach Defends Trump's Remarks About Daughter's Legs in 1994
An old clip of Donald Trump and Marla Maples appearing on "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" in 1994 talking about what his one-year-old daughter Tiffany's legs has caused outrage. Robin Leach, who did the interview said it comes down to people "getting their knickers in a knot." "It was just a totally casual remark of one guy telling another guy what he liked about his baby," Leach said. "I defend his remark completely."


In the complex tapestry of human interaction, integrity and authenticity stand as pillars of character. However, there exists a subset of individuals who operate in the shadows, manipulating situations and people for personal gain. They are the sleazy ones, the ones whose moral compass is skewed, and whose actions breed distrust and disdain. In this blog post, we'll delve into why being a sleazy person is not just morally bankrupt but also detrimental to personal and professional growth.

First and foremost, sleaziness corrodes trust like rust on metal. Trust is the bedrock of any relationship, be it personal or professional. When someone is perceived as sleazy, it sends alarm bells ringing in the minds of others. They become wary, hesitant to engage or collaborate, fearing manipulation or exploitation. In a world where partnerships and collaborations are key to success, being perceived as sleazy can be the kiss of death for opportunities.

Moreover, sleazy behavior tarnishes one's reputation irreparably. In today's interconnected world, news travels fast, especially negative news. Once someone is branded as sleazy, it's challenging to shake off that label. People remember deceit and manipulation far longer than they remember acts of kindness. Consequently, being sleazy can close doors to future opportunities and stain one's personal and professional reputation indefinitely.

Furthermore, being sleazy often involves compromising one's values and principles. Whether it's lying, cheating, or exploiting others, sleazy behavior requires a departure from ethical conduct. This erosion of integrity not only damages relationships with others but also corrodes one's self-respect. Living with the knowledge that one has deceived or manipulated others can lead to guilt, shame, and a profound sense of emptiness.

In addition, sleaziness breeds a toxic environment wherever it takes root. Imagine a workplace where colleagues are constantly looking over their shoulders, second-guessing each other's motives, and engaging in cutthroat tactics to get ahead. Such an environment is not conducive to productivity, creativity, or employee well-being. Instead, it fosters paranoia, stress, and a culture of fear, ultimately undermining organizational success.

Moreover, being sleazy is a short-sighted strategy in the pursuit of success. While it may yield immediate gains, the long-term consequences far outweigh any temporary benefits. Relationships fractured by deceit may never be repaired. Opportunities lost due to a tarnished reputation may never be regained. And the toll on one's mental and emotional well-being is immeasurable.

On a broader scale, sleazy behavior contributes to the erosion of societal trust and cohesion. In a world already grappling with polarization and mistrust, the last thing we need is more sleazy actors sowing seeds of discord and division. Building a better world requires honesty, empathy, and a genuine commitment to the common good, qualities that are antithetical to sleaziness.

In conclusion, being sleazy is not just morally reprehensible but also self-defeating. It erodes trust, tarnishes reputation, compromises integrity, fosters toxicity, and undermines long-term success. In a world that sorely needs leaders of integrity and character, being sleazy is simply not a good look. Instead, let us strive to embody honesty, authenticity, and empathy in all our interactions, knowing that true success is built on a foundation of integrity.

Matthew 7:15
True and False Prophets
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."

Trump products on CafePress
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Trump products on Zazzle
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The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal
Click here to order your The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal

Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man
Click here for order your Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir
Click here to order your Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir

The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary
Click here to order your The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary

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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

What about elections and ballots? Can't win if they don't cheat

Lara Trump ACCIDENTALLY EXPOSES PLOT About Refusing to Count All Votes!!!

Jesse talks about Lara Trump's bizarre interview with conspiracy theorist Maria Bartiromo on Fox News over the weekend, where the co-chair of the Republican National Committee admitted that they aren't interested in counting all votes in a Presidential election. She told Bartiromo, "You cannot have ballots counted after elections are over ... we want Election Day to be the last day mail ballots can be counted.

Some people have no clue on how elections or the counting of ballots work. I suggest people look into how the voting and counting of ballots works. Especially Why Does It Take So Long to Count Mail Ballots in Key States

Guess someone doesn't like giving people insight into how elections and the counting of ballots are run/done

Wrote in reply to George Takei's post
Some people have no clue on how elections or the counting of ballots work. I suggest people look into how the voting and counting of ballots works. Especially Why Does It Take So Long to Count Mail Ballots in Key States

What did Instagram do?

They removed my comment

They don't want others to get more insight into how elections are run

Click here to read Why Does It Take So Long to Count Mail Ballots in Key States

Click here to read Meta Is Limiting the Political Content You See on Instagram. Here's How to Prevent It
If you've noticed less political content on Instagram, it's not just you. It's happening to everyone.

True, but what about their blocking people's comments providing insight into where to find facts about things, especially how elections are run/done?

Don't be ignorant, because Instagram wants you to be

US Presidential Election explained

The Electoral College, explained

Matthew 7:15
True and False Prophets
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."

Trump products on CafePress
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Trump products on Zazzle
Click here to order your Trump Products on Zazzle

The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal
Click here to order your The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal

Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man
Click here for order your Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir
Click here to order your Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir

The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary
Click here to order your The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary

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How does Donald Trump compare to other cult leaders?

Lawmaker shot at Jonestown compares Trump to cult leader Jim Jones
Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA), who was shot by members of the Peoples Temple during the 1978 Jonestown Massacre, says she sees similarities between cult leader Jim Jones and former President Donald Trump in the way they use their charisma to connect with disillusioned American and act as "merchants of deceit." Speier was shot five times on an airstrip in Guyana while accompanying a lawmaker to investigate the nearby cult

Some insight

Call to Activism wrote
How can millions of Christians support the least Christ-like person in America as he arrogantly compares himself to Jesus? Explain it to me like I'm in Sunday school.

I replied to their Instagram post
Sorry, but I can't do your research, but I can suggest you study up on Jim Jones of Guyana fame, Charles Manson and David Koresh.
Then read up some of what former Rep. Jackie Speier has said about Donald Trump and Jim Jones. She was present in Guyana so she knows what she's talking about
Then read some of Steven Hussan's books. He's and American writer and mental health counselor who specializes in the area of cults and new religious movements
Then read up on Dr. William L. Bainbridge's Post about his VERY SIMILAR question posed on LinkedIn 2 months ago

What did Instagram do?

They removed my comment

They don't want others to get more insight into CONald Grump and his cult

Click here to read about James Warren Jones and Click here to read about James Warren Jones and Donald J Trump

Click here to read about Charles Manson and Click here to read about Charles Manson and Donald Trump

Click here to read about David Koresh and Click here to read about David Koresh and Donald Trump

Click here to read about who Steven Hassan is and about his books. Steven Hassan is an American writer and mental health counselor who specializes in the area of cults and new religious movements

Click here to read Dr. William L. Bainbridge’s Post, "Why do millions of “Christians“ support the least Christ-like person in America tonight? Explain it to me like I’m in Bible class.">

Click here to read Meta Is Limiting the Political Content You See on Instagram. Here's How to Prevent It
If you've noticed less political content on Instagram, it's not just you. It's happening to everyone.

True, but what about their blocking people's comments providing insight into where to find facts about things, especially how elections are run/done?

Don't be ignorant, because Instagram wants you to be

MARCH 3, 2016
Can Donald Trump Supporters Tell His Quotes Apart from Hitler's?
In a cringe-worthy social experiment, a prankster read Donald Trump fans what they thought were quotes of his. In actuality, they were being ready lines notoriously said by Adolf Hitler. Some have compared the presidential candidate to the German dictator but random people had trouble telling the different between the two. When the people find out that the comments were actually Hitlers, their results were hysterical

How Trump is Following Hitler's Playbook | Robert Reich

Could Trump actually turn America into a fascist state?

Yes. Here's how, in five steps.

1990 report: Ivana Trump told her lawyer Donald Trump kept Hitler speeches beside bed
Former President Donald Trump stoked fears about immigration when he used rhetoric at a campaign stop that echoed white supremacists. CNN takes a closer look

Click here to read about Hitler and Trump

Click here to read Trump Kept Hitler Speeches by His Bed, Resurfaced Ivana Interview Reveals

Don't be ignorant, because Donald J Trump and his supporters want you to be

Matthew 7:15
True and False Prophets
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."

Trump products on CafePress
Click here to order your Trump Products on CafePress

Trump products on Zazzle
Click here to order your Trump Products on Zazzle

The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal
Click here to order your The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal

Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man
Click here for order your Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir
Click here to order your Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir

The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary
Click here to order your The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary

As seen on
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Gonna Review It - Trump and more


Christian Nationalist Scary Beliefs

Election Fraud

Robert F Kennedy Jr, He and Trump's top donor are the same


Toxic Relationships


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